How Long Do Your Marshmallows Last? I’ve always taken this as a valid question.
We haven’t added preservatives to our recipes for two reasons.
- The ingredients aren’t especially perishable. Marshmallows don’t require refrigeration or special conditions, such as vacuum sealing to keep their sexy, fluffy cube shape. In that, we got lucky because shipping has never, ever been a problem. Our early batches were mailed to relatives, who we asked to resist the urge to bite and claw their way in, and instead turn around and send the package back. The result: you’ll get the same wonderful hand-cut treats that you see in our galleries every time.
- Thanks to all of our wonderful customers, our marshmallows don’t really last long enough on a shelf or in your home long enough to tire them out and for that we give you our most sincere thanks.
I’m sure the factory-made products use mostly the same ingredients we use. The difference being, they need their stuff to last months as it travels across the country and onto store shelves where they will sit until a family’s special event or, perhaps, the winter holidays come around. Nothing wrong with that, we wouldn’t ask anybody to compare ours with theirs, though doing so could be a fun thing to try. Our Original’s have a taste you just won’t find out there, but I’ve digressed enough already.
So, there you have it, buy today and enjoy on your summer vacation, on a long car trip or flight, at the family campsite or picnic, while attending your summer seminars or even to soften your mean Aunt Ester’s half hearted hug as you show up unannounced for the yearly stroll up and down the family tree. There I go again on another tangent, sorry about that. My point being: they won’t last long (in your hands that is).
I’ve got more questions that I’ll answer soon with maybe a little marshmallow trivia or other life altering marshmallow info to come. Life, I believe, is just too short to not indulge every now and again. The simple things sometimes make the biggest impressions and the very best memories. Hand a marshmallow to a child; you’ll see what we’re talking about.

You make wonderfully tempting treats! I'm heading to your etsy shop to look around...and possibly lick the screen;)